The Carousel of comments

It is not Christmas yet and we are already offering you a present.

Something simple, which we have often been asked, something obvious right in front of us.

The carousel of favorite comments to embed in your site..

What is this gift? I can hear you already telling me:

“I do not need wooden horses for my site”

You got it I’m sure, there’s no connection! 😂

We are talking here about the comments you have collected during your ROTI surveys and that you want to highlight on your site.

So we imagined a carousel in which the “selected pieces” scroll harmoniously on your site.

A friend was already doing it with snapshots and we talked about it again at the HappyTech Summit; It was high time we industrialized the process.

It’s done.

Team administrators can click on the icon ❤️ just below their favorite comments. They are then sent to a special page that allows you to make some changes to preserve anonymity and correct any spelling errors.

All you have to do is copy the four lines of HTML code and paste them into your site.

Il ne reste plus qu’à copier les quatre lignes de code HTML pour les coller dans votre site. There you go.

In addition, the carousel automatically adapts to cell phone view if your site manages it.

You can contact me if you have troube integrating the carousel in your site, I’d be happy to help you.

I wish you happy Christmas holidays 🎄, succulent Rotis 🍖 and many carousel rides 🎠.


Guillaume Darbonne

Co-founder of Roti.express, Guillaume is the developper of the team. He is addicted to code, goodies and well-done Roti.

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