Roti mail-bot

A mail-bot to make life easier !

We like what’s simple, effective and automated

Evaluating your meetings is good, but it can quickly become tedious especially when there are many.

Thinking about creating the poll in advance, sending it after the meeting is over, asking again the participants who have not responded … these can can quickly become time and energy consuming.

No worries, we thought of you by making a mail bot!

A mail-bot ?

A mail-bot is a bit like a chat-bot, except that it triggers on receipt of an e-mail!

Our robot has its own address survey@roti.express and it is via this email address that we interact with it.

The idea is not to communicate with him through e-mail but to invite him into your meeting from your e-mail, as if he were a real person, indicating his address: survey@roti.express in the invitation.


So the robot will do the job for you

From the moment he is invited to a meeting the robot is activated and is going to:

  • Create the Roti survey on the platform for the organizer.
  • Fill in the title, date and time of your meeting.
  • Send the feedback request to each participant at the end of the meeting.
  • -Ask again the participants, up to 3 times, to collect a maximum of responses.

And to go further …

The use of the robot is included in the standard license.

If you want to use the robot throughout your company without buying a license for each meeting leader we can create a custom address “my-company@roti.express

For this, contact us directly on survey@roti.express we will be happy to exchange with you and give you the details.

drawing See you soon !


Antoine Durand

Co-founder of Roti.express, Antoine is the growth hacker of the team ! From meetings to conferences, he cures meeting-mania with well-done Roti.

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