Perfection Game

“Perfection game” or the art of “Doing better tomorrow”

Feedback is good. Continuous improvement is better.

That’s the conclusion we came to. We brainstormed with Louis VAREILLE, our partner at the International School of Meetingology.

The result of this joint initiative is the introduction in our application of a new feature called “Perfection Game”.

Let us explain.

Doing better tomorrow?

The idea is quite simple but very effective, it is about questioning the participants on:

“The two priorities they think they need to work collectively on, so as to do better next time?””

In order to guide the choices of the participants we have, with the help of Louis, selected the 10 most recurring paths of progress. drawing

After processing the answers of the participants the system proposes the two most supported priorities..

Then the facilitator just has to validate these priorities and get the team working to treat them.

Engage the teams in a process of change?


Why two priorities and no more?

« Who graps all, looses. » The poet would say.

« Rome was not done in a day » the historian would say.

« One step after another » the wise man would say.

To avoid getting lost, do not fight all fights at the same time! Remember, it is a process of continuous improvement. The goal is not to trigger a big bang but to climb the stairs of progress, one step at a time.

And as Louis reminds us in his book “Le bohneur au travail” ; the observation of progress is one of the greatest sources of joy in our lives.

You are an administrator of roti.express … how to proceed?

drawing 1- When creating the poll, activate the “Perfection Game”
2- Participants will be invited to answer during the ROTI survey

3- Then the TOP-2 priorities appear on your administration page.
4- Participants will find them later in the debriefing session

« Once you start measuring, you start improving. »


Antoine Durand

Co-founder of Roti.express, Antoine is the growth hacker of the team ! From meetings to conferences, he cures meeting-mania with well-done Roti.

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