How to fail your survey in 5 steps

1. Begin by lying to the respondents

So start with a sentence like “This survey will not take you more than 3 minutes” while you know it won’t, but as you want to have a maximum of answers you think it’s a good idea.

Consequence: You have a very good chance to fool people and they’llbelieve you … this time anyway!

2. Ask a lot of questions

You want to gather as much information as possible, and you think that this survey is an opportunity to put a maximum of questions to collect as much data as possible!

Consequence: at question 2 (text field, mandatory, min 50 words) you have already lost 80% of your audience

3. Offer a horrible UX (User Experience)

A survey is something disposable, no one remembers it, so why bother doing something enjoyable to use?

Consequence: in addition to being endless, the interface is unpleasant or even bugged and the questions are inaccurate .. Congratulations! you lose more than 50% of your audience again

4. Do not share the results

The results belong to you, and you intend to make the numbers say what you want in order to receive a premium and to please your manager.

Consequence: zero transparency, the survivors of your audience have just spent 25 minutes answering a questionnaire of which they will never see the result and on top of that the results are tampered .. There for sure, you have reached the summits!

5. Institute the bashing culture

Because a survey is an opportunity to let off steam and empty one’s bag, do not close your questions and if possible make them mandatory.

Consequence: your survey’s a means of blowing off steam, there are no interesting information to draw, no hints at improvement, only the dissatisfaction of those you force to respond.


It’s simple, and damn effective!

The ROTI survey is composed of 2 questions, always the same! and oriented only on 1 évènement at a time.

The responding time is estimated at only 30 secondes seulement (no more).

We offer a great UX that works on computer, tablet, mobile without installing an app or even creating login / password.

By default the sharing of answers is activated, and we propose to generate a sharing link to diffuse more widely in full transparency

We convey a culture of constructive feedback that is the essence of our product.

Regles ROTI

(to be continued !)


Antoine Durand

Co-founder of Roti.express, Antoine is the growth hacker of the team ! From meetings to conferences, he cures meeting-mania with well-done Roti.

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